Info on Commander John P. Fahey, 1925 till unk

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Info on Commander John P. Fahey, 1925 till unk

Postby cdillon » Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:52 pm

--- On Sun, 1/16/11, Tina Bongo <> wrote:

From: Tina Bongo <>
Tina Bongo
4 Moreland Ave.
Hull, MA 02045

Subject: Commander John P. Fahey...

The reason I am contacting you is that I am trying to find out if Commander John P. Fahey was my great uncle (or my father's uncle). We live in Boston, and I don't know really anything about my paternal grandfather and his siblings except that his name was James Fahey, born in Ireland, enlisted in the British Army at 14 years old, came here in 1925, and that he may have had a brother who was in the Chicago Police Dept that possibly held a high ranking position.
Growing up, myself, along with my brother and sisters always knew never to ask my Dad, James Fahey, about his father (he NEVER spoke of him). My uncle, Walter Fahey, was a Boston Police Officer for over 40 years (very old school, beat cop who was known and loved by everyone from the top politicians, news columnists, to the homeless guys he use to bring day-old doughnuts to at the shelter every night.. He worked in the most dangerous part of Boston, C-11, and was, and remains to this day, the only Boston Officer to turn down the detective position to stay on the streets. He passed away 2 years ago. His son, Andrew Fahey, who is an officer with the Airforce Police, is on the same mission that I am on, which is to find the missing puzzle pieces that remain on my Dad's side. Andrew also said that his father NEVER spoke of our grandfather.
Do you know who I would contact to see if there is a connection with Commander Fahey and my family? The ironic thing about this situation is, my father, who is 81 years old, is a historian - specializing in military archives. He has been and still continues to be, featured in hundreds of newspapers articles, local tv news, and I believe at one time was featured in Time Magazine. He has helped so many families uncover their family pasts, but my Dad knows not a whole lot about his own.
I began working on this recently, and when I told him, he was absolutely thrilled. He now wants to know ANYTHING he can about his Dad and his family. I have uncovered some things, but I would love to help determine if the Chicago Police connection is real or not.
I am so sorry about the long email, I am just trying to let you know the circumstances and how important it is to find the missing pieces for me, Andrew, but most importantly, my Dad.

Tina Bongo
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