Need help Researching a book, looking for info from 1980s

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Need help Researching a book, looking for info from 1980s

Postby cdillon » Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:05 pm

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 2:29 PM
From: "" <>I'm a one-time Chicago reporter, in town this week doing some background
research for a book. In the mid-1980s, I worked as a police reporter with the
now-defunct City News Bureau.

I covered some of the escalating gang violence that the city saw in those years,
and remember some reports that the gangs were working to keep crack cocaine
out of the area to avoid disrupting their established heroin and powder cocaine
operations. I'd like to talk to some tactical unit, narcotics or gang crimes officers
who were working the street in those years to make sure I have an accurate
picture of what was happening, and how it affected law enforcement and

These would be background conversations; I'm not looking to do any 'on the
record' reporting, just to make sure I understand the history accurately. I'm
hoping the RCPA might have some ideas about retired officers who might be
willing to speak with me, in person or on the phone.

I can be reached at this email address or at 916-273-2928.

Thanks for any help you can provide, including suggestions for other ways to
track down reliable history on this subject.

-- Adam Weintraub
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